Art of Crystallization
As I mentioned in the introductory part of my blog, I am a chemist. To be more precise I am a synthetic chemist. What the synthetic chemist does? He makes molecules. How he makes them? Well, he puts on the reaction of two or more molecules (actually sometimes only one molecule is more than enough for the reaction to occur), these molecules react and in theory they should give the third molecule. If that occurs we can say that the reaction was quantitative, unfortunately, quantitative reactions in the real world are quite rare. In most of the cases when you put molecule A and molecule B to react they give the molecule C, but the problem is that they can give also molecule D and E together with unreacted molecule A and B. So in order to obtain molecule C as pure product you have to purify it. There are many ways how one can purify his product, distillation, column chromatography and trust...