An icebreaker
I am about to start a blog, although I’m not yet sure how I want it to be. Or better, I wasn’t sure how I wanted to be, so I have decided to share my initial doubts with the general public.
First, the language. Probably it will be mostly English, but since I am from Croatia and I currently live in Italy, I am thinking to write on these two languages the topics which concerns matters of these two countries.
Second, the topic. At the first I wanted it to be a blog about chemistry. The reason was quite simple; I’m a chemist (well actually I am a pharmacist who got Ph.D degree in organic chemistry and currently working in the field of nanotechnology) so I should write about chemistry. However I have a bit reconsider that decision, I will write about chemistry but not just about chemistry. So you should expect to read posts about science and technology (I’m a big history fan so I wouldn’t exclude it) which has chemistry as a sort of a guideline.
Anyway, that’s enough for the introduction, time to write something proper!